Option Comparison

WP 3.0 (Cost Efficiency and Assessment of Alternatives) deals mainly with the evaluation and comparison of alternative planning options and management strategies. For economic analysis and multicriteria decision support, software tools will be provided and partially developed to compare the alternatives. The evaluation of alternatives is based on a set of planning and decision-relevant indicators that are selected together with the national stakeholder and decision-makers through a participative decision-making process.

WP 3.1 (Online Information and Expert System) will use the comprehensive project database to provide GIS-based online information and expert system able to support the implementation of SALAM methods, technologies, strategies and products. The tool will be based on the BRAMAR-IDSS decision system that was developed by RWC in cooperation with the Brazilian IT-partner I3Systems. The system will be provided to the national stakeholders to improve the transparency of the decision-making process and thus to guarantee the later acceptance of joint project achievements, also on the political level.